Shrinica pre-seasoned cast iron cookware makes a comeback from grandma's kitchen
Shrinica pre-seasoned cast iron cookware makes a comeback from grandma's kitchenMaking a comeback from grandma's days, cast iron pans are displacing non-stick cookware. They have many advantages over non-stick cookware. Some of which are,
Low maintenance: After the initial seasoning your cast iron cookware needs very little cleaning and maintenance.
Low cost: Cost of cast iron cookware are very low compared to other cooking utensils you have in your kitchen.
Even heating area: Cast iron cookware irrespective of the cooking surface you use, offers an even heating area for cooking.
Naturally non-stick: Cast iron cookware, when properly seasoned, becomes naturally non-stick.
Shrinica pre-seasoned cast iron cookware is made from 100% pre-seasoned quality cast iron enabling you to experience the authentic traditional flavours. Such cookware is recommended for heavy
Shrinica pre-seasoned cast iron cookware has a non-stick metal finishing. The heat is evenly spread across the bottom and inner top surfaces. The cooking procedure adds iron to your food.
There are Several reasons to use Shrinica pre-seasoned cast iron cookware
Every experienced home cook understands the importance of having at least one cast-iron cookware in their kitchen. If you're just getting started cooking with them, it'll only take a few recipes to realise how versatile, durable, and functional a piece of kitchen equipment they are. Their versatility allows them to be used to prepare wonderful appetisers, desserts, main courses, and much more, so here are our top reasons to invest in this essential kitchen gadget.
Practically unbreakable
Cast-iron is cookware are some of the most heavy-duty kitchen equipment there are and, if properly cared for, will last you a lifetime. Cast iron's seasoning is chemically linked to the metal, making it exceptionally durable. Use a scrub brush to clean your pan, then thoroughly dry it. Apply oil to the pan's whole surface (inside and out). Bake for one hour with the pan upside down on the top rack. Turn off the oven and let the pan in there to cool entirely (you can just leave it overnight).
Shrinica pre-seasoned cast iron cookware can be easily maintained through its heavy usages. If anything is sticksing to the product, do not use steel scrubber. Instead, use plastic or coconut scrubber always. Avoid using the dishwasher as well. If you have a cover or a lid for your utensil, place a folded paper towel in between the lid and the utensil allowing air to circulate. After use, apply edible oil and store the product to prevent it from rusting.
Shrinica pre-seasoned cast iron cookware can be used on in various cooking platforms like open fire, hot plate, oven (OTG), gas stove and or ceramic.
Shrinica pre-seasoned cast iron cookware is readily available with leading retailers in all major cities and towns, malls and societies. For further details, one may contact the manufacturer directly at Shrinica.
Good-quality cookware may be found at most local home-goods stores. However, thay may be expensive. Shrinica pre-seasoned cast iron cookware retains and distributes heat just as well as some of the costlier cookware, making them a simple and affordable option to improve the quality of your dishes without spending a lot of money.
When cooking with cast-iron, however, acidic foods should be avoided since any unseasoned patches on your cookware will potentisally leech metallic qualities into your dish.
Rapid even heating and retaining
Shrinica pre-seasoned cast iron cookware is unrivalled in terms of heating qualities and capacity, which means that, the cookware heats up quickly and stays hot for a long time. This is crucial for a variety of purposes, but especially for searing meats to achieve a lovely char, cooking delicious hash, or pan-roasting chicken and veggies.
Clean the product with a Nylon brush and hot water.
Dry it with a clean cloth.
Apply oil generously on the working surface.
Heat it with low flame till it smokes.
Switch off the stove and allow it to cool.
Now you are good to go.
It's also worth re-seasoning them
When food starts to stick to your cast-iron cookware or the once-shiny black pan begins to fade, it's time to re-season it (which means the food may start sticking soon). This is how you do it: Simply preheat your oven to 350° to 400° Fahrenheit. Foil the bottom of the pan. Use hot soapy water.
After use just wash with water.
Dry it with clean cloth.
Simple to clean
Soap should never be used to clean cast iron cookware (unless you're going to re-season them). This is fantastic news for those of us who are hassled with too many responsibilities when it comes to cooking at home. To clean, simply scrub with a firm brush in extremely hot water. Boil water in the cookware and let it sit for 10-15 minutes if the food has stuck to the pan. Rinse once more. Another thing to keep in mind is that cast-iron should never be allowed to drip dry; instead, towel-dry it right away to avoid rusting. You can also lay your cast-iron over low heat on the stove to dry it entirely after patting it down with a clean towel.
Adaptable workhorses
Shrinica pre-seasoned cast iron cookware can be used for a variety of cooking techniques, including sautéing, pan-frying, searing, baking, braising, broiling, roasting, and more. The better seasoned your cast-iron pan is, the more flavour it will impart to anything you're cooking.
If anything is sticking to the product, do not use steel scrubber.
Use Plastic or coconut fibre always.
Never wash in the dishwasher
Store in cool and dry place. If you have cover or lid for your utensils, place a folded paper towel in between lid and utensil allowing air to circulate.
After use apply edible oil and store the product to prevent it from rust.
Additional Information
IronGas and Induction CompatibleSteel HandleTawa10 INCHBlack
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Le is an online shopping portal of Sivanesan Group of Companies - SSPremier, Nethraa, & Shrinica, with 45 years of impressive growth in manufacturing and selling kitchen appliances of all three brands. Premier is a well-known brand in India, Nethraa caters to international and Indian customers, and Shrinica is an exclusive brand of Iron Cookware.